Revisiting Candle Flicker-LEDs: Now with integrated Timer

Years ago I spent some time analyzing Candle-Flicker LEDs that contain an integrated circuit to mimic the flickering nature of real candles. Artificial candles have evolved quite a bit since then, now including magnetically actuated “flames”, an even better candle-emulation. However, at the low end, there are still simple candles with candle-flicker LEDs to emulate tea-lights.

I was recently tipped off to an upgraded variant that includes a timer that turns off the candle after it was active for 6h and turns it on again 18h later. E.g. when you turn it on at 7 pm on one day, it would stay active till 1 am and deactive itself until 7 pm on the next day. Seems quite useful, actually. The question is, how is it implemented? I bought a couple of these tea lights and took a closer look.

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